Summary Customization: Malden Public Schools tailored professional development events, focusing on the unique needs of their 800 educators, making the training more effective and impactful. From Outsourcing to In-House Control: Initially, Malden Public Schools outsourced their professional development, which led to generic content and a lack of control. Transitioning to in-house planning with them to…
Summary Egg Harbor Township School District boosts educational success with innovative event management techniques. Tailored professional development events bridge generation gaps among educators. Overcoming challenges with outdated tools like Google Docs, the district embraced a modern solution. Discover how streamlined event management translates to happier, more successful educators and students. Learn valuable lessons on enhancing…
To improve student career readiness, the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) hosts recurring virtual and in-person professional development conferences for the region’s educators with the help of Sched. San Diego County Office of Education’s story San Diego County has half a million K-12 students and 42 different school districts, each with their own…
In an effort to improve virtual learning and address online knowledge gaps in Panama’s leading private schools, last year’s professional development conference used Sched to plan, present and manage the entire conference virtually. The collaboration continues as the company tackles the shift to in-person events in 2023. Integra Schools’ story Founded in 2018, Integra Schools…
The Los Gatos Union School District (LGUSD) recently hosted its Professional Development Day with 162 elementary teachers, site administrators, five principals, two assistant principals, and even some district leadership in attendance. We caught up with Rhonda Beasley, the Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment, to hear more about how they used Sched to pull off…
In February 2021, amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, non-profit Civic Spirit hosted one of their most involved events to date: a virtual 3-week civics symposium. The symposium, called We the Educators, aimed to equip teachers with the skills to have important conversations with students about participating in their schools, their communities and their country. To…
The Education and Business Summit is the only targeted event for all Career and Technical Education teachers in South Carolina. Career and Technical Education teachers receive a majority of their teaching renewal credits at this crucial event. “We are virtual again this year – luckily with a lot more time to plan but we will…
As the cornerstone of Social Justice Week at Jesuit High School in Portland, OR, the Jesuit Day of Community & Action was a day for students and faculty/staff to engage in a “mini-conference” with a keynote address and workshops on a variety of issues related to social justice. Taking place on March 17, 2021, students,…
About STEMxYouth Summit The STEMxYouth Summit, a student-planned and student-run all day conference, sponsored by the Student Technology Leadership Team at Marymount School of New York. The summit brings thought leaders, trailblazers, pathfinders, influencers, growth hackers, students and educators together to discuss the next generation of STEMx. The STEMxYouth Summit started seven years ago as…
The Chicago Nerd Comedy Festival has been lighting up the theatre scene in Chicago since 2013. The organizers considered canceling their event in light of the pandemic, but they decided to test out our virtual platform to see how their festival might thrive in a new environment. They adapted their performance structure to both live…
Challenge The 2020 California Student Mental Wellness Conference was especially crucial this year given the state of learning environments in a time of social distancing and the on-going fight for social justice. Not only were they expecting to keep providing important conversations and solutions for student mental health professionals by bringing together educators, school administrators…
Whole Human Summit is doing the amazing work of creating more equitable conditions for marginalized people in health care and research. Over the course of 2 months, they’re hosting 10 virtual sessions on topics of equity and access to inclusion and belonging all centered around health care and research. The goal of these sessions is…