Category: In-Person Events

Cartoon Of People In Different Uniforms Representing Career Day Ideas

10+ Unique career day ideas that inspire students

Summary Expanding career awareness: Students learn about unique career day ideas like game design and special effects, expanding their career possibilities. Real-world insights: Professionals share firsthand experiences, inspiring students to consider diverse career options. Academic motivation: Understanding career paths helps students focus their studies, boosting motivation and performance. Networking opportunities: Career Day facilitates networking, leading…

College Events At The University Of Chicago. A Large Crowd In A Fancy Hall With People Wearing Brown And Holding Banners

How to streamline scheduling and registrations for college orientation week

Summary Avoid orientation week chaos: disorganized orientation can leave new students feeling lost and uninformed, hindering their social integration and creating negative first impressions of college life. This chaotic start compromises essential navigation of critical resources—from academic support to mental health services—and dampens their enthusiasm and confidence, essential for a successful academic journey. Enhanced scheduling…

Outdoor Falconry Demonstration Incporporated Into Professional Development Events

How the Outdoor Writers Association of America empowers storytellers with event planning!

Summary The best OWAA conference ever: Discover the event planning success of the Outdoor Writers Association of America (OWAA). Learn how they advance the skills of outdoor storytellers in various media, from blogging to videography. Practical Event Planning Tips: Benefit from Chez Chesak’s seasoned advice on making events dynamic and engaging by incorporating outdoor elements…

Inperson Event Planning

The best hacks for mastering in-person event planning

Key takeaways: In-person event planning at a glance   Start with a clear and detailed in-person event planning timeline, setting the right goals and defining the target audience. Build a strong event team, delegate tasks effectively, and maintain open communication channels for efficient collaboration. Develop a comprehensive budget, track expenses carefully, and consider special discounts…