
  • Maximize Engagement and Attendance: The article promises to equip you with knowledge and tools that will not only improve the quality of your event content but also potentially increase attendance and participant engagement.
  • Enhance Event Attractiveness: Learn the art of crafting compelling event titles and session descriptions to make your events stand out, capturing the attention of potential attendees in a sea of options.
  • Audience Insight: Gain insights on understanding your target audience, crucial for creating resonant and engaging content tailored to their specific needs and interests, especially for educators.
  • Practical Tips and Strategies: Receive actionable advice on writing memorable event titles and engaging session descriptions, including best practices on length, keyword incorporation, and creativity.
  • Avoid Common Mistakes: Learn about common pitfalls in the event title and session description writing, such as lack of editing professionalism and grammatical errors, and how to avoid them to maintain credibility.
  • Leverage AI Technology: Discover how built-in AI tools can streamline the creation of event titles and descriptions, making the process efficient and effective, and allowing you to focus on other event planning aspects.
  • Real-world Examples: Benefit from examples of successful event titles and descriptions to understand what works in practice, aiding in the application of the article’s advice to your own events.

Like it or not, we’ve all judged a book by its cover. It’s the same with event titles and conference session descriptions. 

Potential attendees will gloss over your event schedules like they’re browsing the hundreds of Netflix titles on their TV. 

Sure, the content itself is what matters at the end of the day. But attendees can’t help but be drawn to a well-written title and an alluring session description after that! 

This article is about making yours stand out. We’re going to present you with two solutions that will drive up your attendance and engagement. 

  1. Follow the steps below to write superb copy that works. 
  2. Start using our built-in AI tools to streamline your process even further! 

Either way, you leave a winner. So choose which option you want to follow and level up your events now!

Excellent conference session descriptions come from understanding Your audience

Professional development experts know that understanding your audience is everything. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to training educators. 

Because here’s the thing. Less than half of educators think non-content-related professional development is useful. So, if you don’t nail your research, you’re going to have a lot of unsatisfied teachers on your hands. 

Therefore, your event titles and descriptions resonate deeply with your target attendees:

  • Define the purpose and audience of the event: Begin by identifying the purpose of your event and the specific group of educators it aims to serve. This understanding will guide your marketing efforts and help you select the most relevant keynote speakers and content topics.
  • Research and segmentation:
    • Conduct thorough research to gather demographic data (age, gender, location) and understand the professional challenges and day-to-day responsibilities of your target educators.
    • Segment your audience based on their specific interests, needs, and job responsibilities. This allows for more personalized and targeted event titles and descriptions.
    • P.S. Make this process as painless as possible by avoiding these attendee feedback mistakes! 
  • Engagement strategies:
    • Utilize direct methods like surveys or interviews to gain insights into what educators seek from professional development events.
    • Explore indirect methods such as market studies and social media trends to gauge broader educational trends and preferences.
    • Develop audience personas and tailor your event messaging to meet their expectations and engagingly solve their professional challenges.

P.S. If you really want to give your educators what they want, then give them topics that they’re craving. Discover them here in our guide to the hottest professional development topics for 2024!

Crafting an engaging event title

Technical titles are too long and boring and your potential attendees are going to gloss over them and miss them. Even if it’s relevant, they’ll be so used to it they’ll glaze over! 

So if you’re developing an unmissable workshop – that is going to take their teaching to the next level – you need to make that title unmissable! 

Crafting an engaging event title involves a blend of creativity, strategy, and understanding of your audience’s needs. Here are some best practices to guide you:

  • Keep it short and sweet: Aim for event titles that are concise yet descriptive. A good rule of thumb is to keep your title under 120 characters, ensuring it’s catchy and to the point. This makes it easier for potential attendees to remember and share.
  • Incorporate keywords strategically: Use SEO tools like Keywords Everywhere or Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords. This not only helps your event title stand out but also optimizes it for search engines, making it more likely for your target audience to find it. 
  • Make It unique and memorable: Analyze what has worked well for similar events and add your unique twist. Whether it’s through alliteration, puns, or a play on words, a creative title can significantly impact the attractiveness of your event. Remember to align the creativity with your event’s core message and audience’s interests. 

BONUS ADVICE – Streamline this instantly by utilizing these cool event planning prompts for ChatGPT!

Professional and Easy: How to Share Event Information with Attendees from Sched Support on Vimeo.

Writing irresistible conference session descriptions

So, your title has hooked them. But the job still isn’t done. A flat session description can still lose your attendee. 

When writing compelling event descriptions for professional development events aimed at educators, it’s essential to provide a clear, engaging overview that encourages registration. Here’s how to structure your event descriptions effectively:

  • WIIFM (What’s in it for me?): Before you start writing, ask yourself, what is in it for your attendee? Knowing the key points that will make them hit the registration button is the perfect starting point to start writing your conference session descriptions. 
  • Key details first: Follow the inverted pyramid method, starting with the most critical information to grab attention. Include the event name, date, time, venue, and how to access it online if applicable. Highlight the main purpose of the event and what attendees will gain from it.
    • Who: Specify the target audience and any notable speakers or presenters. 
    • What: Briefly describe the activities, sessions, and learning objectives.
    • Where & When: Venue details, parking information, and the event schedule.
    • Why: The benefits of attending and what makes this event unique.
    • How: Registration process, including any incentives or special offers.
  • Engagement and clarity: Use concise language that focuses on the benefits for the attendees, avoiding jargon or overly complex terminology. Incorporate statistics or data from past events to illustrate popularity and success. Adding photos from previous events can make the description more personal and relatable.
  • Unique elements: Highlight any unique selling points such as charitable contributions, special guests, or exclusive incentives. Create a sense of urgency and FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) by mentioning limited capacity or early bird registration deadlines. Ensure all details are double-checked for accuracy to avoid confusion.

This is just one crucial element in building a kick-ass K-12 event. Read this ultimate guide to organizing education events to let your event planning really take off! 

Common event title and session description mistakes you need to avoid

When planning professional development events for educators, avoiding common mistakes in your event session titles and descriptions is crucial for making a positive first impression. 

Here are key pitfalls to steer clear of

  1. Lack of professionalism in editing:
    • Ensure that your event descriptions and titles are meticulously edited, formatted, and proofread to reflect professionalism.
    • Inconsistencies in formatting or careless errors can detract from the credibility of your event.
  2. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors:
    • Incorrect grammar, punctuation, and spelling can significantly impact the initial perception of your event.
    • These errors can suggest a lack of attention to detail, potentially dissuading educators from attending.

BONUS ADVICE – Here are more dangers you need to avoid: the consequences of poor communication systems. Avoid the chaos before it even starts! 

AI-powered event title and session description 

An Example Of Our Ai Conference Session Descriptions
An example of our AI conference session descriptions

We have a built-in AI tool that can make event title and conference session descriptions instantly and fabulously.

Cease spending your valuable time on writing tasks and release the stress of searching for the perfect words. Avoid the pitfall of dull descriptions that lead to uninspiring reactions.

Our integrated AI tool delivers immediate, captivating content that draws in participants, allowing you to focus on higher priorities.

Experience cutting-edge, sleek event management with minimal effort. Just like this: 

  • Whet your attendees’ appetites with alluring AI-crafted session titles: 
    • Simply input a prompt and with a single click, your work is complete!
  • Engaging session summaries that escalate your registration numbers: 
    • Your striking headline has captured their interest. Seal the deal with a session summary that compels them to hit the register button.
    • Effortlessly convert your session summaries into engaging, persuasive calls to action. Command a variety of styles and tones.
    • From succinct overviews to elaborate narratives, enriched with AI-generated insights and unexpected facts from an extensive database on the subject matter.

If modern event planning tools like this are something you’re interested in, we’ve got more for you to take advantage of. Take a look at our latest feature updates and see how you can power up your event planning today! 

Examples of successful event titles and conference session descriptions

Before you go, we’d like to show you a quick example of how your event title and conference session descriptions could look. And today, we’re going to highlight CAUDLeading the Way: Inclusion – Access – Equity!

  • As you can see, CAUDLeading the Way: Inclusion – Access – Equity is just as we advertised. It’s short, sweet, and certainly memorable thanks to the fun wordplay! 
Caudleading The Way Event Title And Conference Session Descriptions
conference session descriptions
  • You can see the session titles are immediately engaging. They go past mere description. For example, look at the session title, Everything You Wanted to Know About UDL but Were Afraid to Ask. Straight away the reader can see its value. 
Screenshot Of Caudleading The Way Event Schedule And Conference Session Descriptions
conference session descriptions
  • We don’t just learn what it’s about in these conference session descriptions. We learn that they’re going to be fun and that we’re going to come away with resources too! Plus, they have added speaker profiles, which add confidence. 
Example Of Conference Session Descriptions
event title and conference session descriptions 3

We’re not short of these success stories. Dive in and see the other organizations we’ve helped ramp up their event planning!  

The takeaways

  • First Impressions Count: Event titles and session descriptions are like the cover of a book; they can make or break attendees’ interest. Crafting compelling ones can significantly boost attendance and engagement.
  • Know Your Audience: Tailoring your event content to the specific needs, interests, and challenges of your target audience, such as educators, is crucial. Understanding them allows for more engaging and relevant titles and descriptions.
  • Engaging Titles: A well-crafted event title should be concise, memorable, and incorporate strategic keywords. This not only grabs attention but also improves discoverability through search engines.
  • Irresistible Descriptions: Conference session descriptions should clearly highlight what attendees will gain, focusing on the “What’s in it for me?” aspect. They should start with key details and be engaging, clear, and free of jargon.
  • Avoid Common Mistakes: Professionalism in writing is key. Avoid grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, and ensure your content is meticulously edited and proofread to maintain credibility and avoid deterring potential attendees.
  • Leverage AI Tools: The article introduces an AI-powered tool that can instantly create engaging event titles and session descriptions, saving time and effort while enhancing content quality.
  • Success Examples Provided: Real-world examples, such as “CAUDLeading the Way: Inclusion – Access – Equity,” showcase the effectiveness of following these guidelines in creating memorable and engaging event content.

Well, thanks for joining us guys! You’re now ready to start showing the world amazing event titles and sublime conference session descriptions. 

And you’re also ready to start Sched for free – time to level up your event planning!  


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Author: Harry Prince

Harry is responsible for content creation at Sched. From non-profit project development to cheffing, his experience is varied. Originaly from Scotland, he's currently writing from Amsterdam. Outside of telling stories about events, he likes cooking, old trains and running.