Organizing education events – like professional development sessions and conferences – is no walk in the park. It takes some serious planning and a keen eye for details to make everything run smoothly. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back!

In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to give primary and secondary schools, along with school districts, a step-by-step approach to nail those education events and make them a grand success. Our goal is to help you create impactful events that educators love.

By following these awesome strategies, you’ll be able to craft engaging and memorable experiences for all the educators out there while achieving all your event goals. Let’s dive right in and make those education events shine!

Define your objectives: Set clear goals for your education event

You need a blueprint to build a house, and you need a map to get somewhere you’ve never been before. In other words, you can’t freestyle the organization of an education event.

Before you embark on the exciting journey of organizing your education event, it’s essential to lay a strong foundation by defining your objectives.

And the best way to do that is with SMART goals.

SMART Goals – A Formula for Success

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Let’s break down each element to understand how it can enhance your event planning:

  • Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve with your education event. Avoid vague objectives and focus on precise outcomes. For instance, instead of stating a broad goal like “Increase attendee engagement,” a specific goal could be “Facilitate interactive Q&A sessions during each workshop to foster active participation.”
  • Measurable: Set criteria to evaluate your success. Incorporate quantifiable metrics that allow you to track progress. For example, “Increase workshop attendance by 20% compared to last year” is measurable and helps you gauge the event’s impact.
  • Achievable: Be realistic with your goals. While it’s essential to aim high, setting unattainable targets can lead to disappointment. Look at past event data and available resources to gauge what’s achievable within your constraints.
  • Relevant: Ensure that your goals align with the purpose and theme of your education event. Every objective should contribute meaningfully to the overall experience. For instance, if your event focuses on STEM education, a relevant goal could be to “Host a panel discussion with industry experts to showcase real-world applications of STEM concepts.”
  • Time-bound: Set a specific timeline for achieving each goal. Deadlines provide a sense of urgency and keep everyone on track. For example, “Secure all keynote speakers by the end of the month” ensures that you have enough time for promotion and coordination.

Pretty cool, right? For a deeper breakdown of how this all works in practice, check out our guide on how to set the right goals for an event.

Tailor your education event to meet your target audience’s needs

Understanding your audience is easier said than done, but so important. Make it easier with these dynamite tips:

  1. Conduct Surveys and Questionnaires

One effective way to gather information about your target audience is by conducting surveys and questionnaires. These tools allow you to directly interact with potential attendees and gain valuable feedback. Ask questions about their professional challenges, areas of interest, and what they hope to gain from attending an event like yours.

Example: Create a survey using platforms like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey and distribute it to teachers and educators through email lists or social media groups. Inquire about their preferences for event topics, preferred session formats, and ideal event duration.

2. Analyze Past Event Data

 If you’ve organized similar events in the past, analyze the data and feedback received. Look for patterns and trends to identify what worked well and what could be improved. Past attendee feedback can provide invaluable insights into what aspects resonated with them and what could use some enhancement.

Example: Examine post-event surveys from previous conferences to discover which workshops or speakers received the highest ratings and which areas received suggestions for improvement.

3. Engage with Educators on Social Media

Social media platforms are treasure troves of information and a great place to engage with your target audience directly. Join relevant education-focused groups and forums, participate in discussions, and listen to the questions and concerns educators are sharing.

Example: If your event is centered around technology integration in the classroom, actively participate in education-focused Twitter chats and observe the topics that generate the most interest and engagement.

4. Seek Input from Educator Partnerships

Collaborate with educational institutions, teachers’ associations, and local schools to gain insights from experienced educators. They can offer a wealth of knowledge about the challenges they face daily and the topics that would be most relevant to their professional development.

Example: Set up virtual meetings with teacher associations to discuss potential themes and speakers for your event. Their input will help you create a program that resonates with the broader educator community.

5. Utilize Analytics from Your Event Website and Registrations

Leverage website analytics and registration data to understand which pages and event sessions attract the most interest. This information can give you a glimpse into what topics are most appealing to your potential attendees.

Example: Use tools like Google Analytics to identify the most popular pages on your event website. If a particular workshop page receives a significantly higher number of views, it indicates a strong interest in that topic.

Design engaging sessions and workshops

The best teachers know that students don’t like being talked at for a whole period. There’s no quicker way to get eyes staring out the window waiting for the bell.

Education events are no different. Talks are great, of course, but you need to build a curriculum that engages and involves them too. So without further ado, add some of these sessions to your schedule and let your attendees be part of the show too: 

  1. Embrace Interactive Learning Techniques

Studies have shown that interactive learning techniques significantly improve retention and engagement among learners. According to a report by the National Training Laboratories Institute, active learning methods, such as group discussions and hands-on activities, can lead to retention rates as high as 75%, compared to just 5% through passive lecture-style teaching.

Example: For a workshop on creative writing, encourage participants to form small groups and collectively create a short story based on a given prompt. This not only allows for peer-to-peer learning but also fosters creativity and teamwork.

  1. Diversify Session Formats

Variety in session formats is key to keeping attendees interested and focused. Research conducted by the Institute for Learning Styles Research found that catering to diverse learning styles through multiple formats, such as lectures, workshops, and panel discussions, can lead to a 25-35% increase in content retention.

Example: In a conference on educational technology, intersperse keynote presentations with hands-on tech demonstrations, where educators can try out new tools and applications.

  1. Leverage Technology for Engagement

Utilizing technology to foster engagement has become increasingly essential in the digital age. A study conducted by EventMB revealed that events that incorporated interactive technologies experienced a 20% increase in attendee satisfaction and a 17% increase in overall engagement levels.

Example: During a seminar on teaching methodologies, use a live polling app to ask attendees about their preferred teaching strategies, fostering an exchange of ideas and experiences.

  1. Tap into the Power of Guest Speakers

Inviting guest speakers with expertise in their fields can significantly enhance the educational experience. A survey by Eventbrite found that 89% of event attendees cited the quality of speakers as a crucial factor influencing their decision to attend an event.

Example: For a conference on environmental sustainability, invite an expert in the field to discuss innovative eco-friendly practices and their impact on education.

  1. Prioritize Essential Event Basics

Attention to event basics plays a vital role in overall attendee satisfaction. According to a study conducted by EventMB, 82% of event attendees mentioned that the availability of refreshments and comfortable seating significantly contributed to their positive event experience.

Example: Offer ample networking opportunities during breaks, as this allows attendees to exchange ideas, collaborate, and build valuable connections with peers and industry professionals.

  1. Provide Resource Materials and Takeaways

Enhancing the learning experience through resource materials and takeaways can have a lasting impact. A survey by LinkedIn revealed that 94% of learners would stay longer and engage more deeply with educational content if additional resources, such as handouts and guides, were provided.

Example: For a workshop on project-based learning, share a comprehensive guidebook with practical tips and templates educators can use in their classrooms.

Strategically select event dates and durations

Isn’t it just a crying shame when something exciting pops up but you can’t make it? A concert, a birthday, a K-12 professional development conference?

Sometimes these things can’t be helped. However, with a little forward thinking, you can dramatically reduce the chances of your prospective attendees being tangled up in scheduling conflicts.

So here are some key points to keep in mind, backed by compelling statistics:

  1. Align with School Calendars: Schedule your event during school breaks or professional development days to increase participation. According to a survey, 85% of teachers prefer attending workshops and conferences during their school vacations.
  2. Factor in Local and National Holidays: Avoid conflicting with major holidays or religious observances to ensure higher attendance rates. On the other hand, events scheduled around extended weekends can attract educators seeking professional growth opportunities during their time off.
  3. Consider Peak Conference Seasons: Be aware of peak conference periods to minimize competition and scheduling conflicts. Studies show that 45% of educators are more likely to attend events that do not overlap with other major conferences.
  4. Time Duration: One Day vs. Multi-Day Event: Choose the event duration based on your curriculum’s scope and your target audience’s geographic reach. While one-day events are accessible for local participants, multi-day conferences can attract educators from diverse regions, increasing networking opportunities by 78%.
  5. Virtual vs. In-Person: Offering virtual elements increases flexibility and widens your audience. A study found that 80% of educators prefer events with virtual options to accommodate busy schedules and reduce travel costs.

Build a stellar speaker lineup

Big names and their big ideas get bums on seats. It’s as simple as that. A compelling speaker lineup can turn people who might come to people who can’t wait to get there.

In this section, we’ll show you techniques on how to build the perfect lineup with some stats along the way to drive home our key point here: big names and their big ideas get bums on seats!

  1. Source Expert Speakers: Seek subject matter experts with practical experience and a passion for knowledge sharing. A study shows that 82% of event attendees rate the expertise of speakers as a critical factor in their decision to participate.
  2. Launch a Call for Speakers: Use your event website and social media to invite potential presenters. Events with open calls for speakers have a 32% higher rate of female participation, contributing to a diverse lineup.
  3. Cultivate a Diverse Lineup: Prioritize diversity to enrich content and foster inclusivity. Diverse speaker representation has been proven to increase attendee satisfaction by 78%.
  4. Leverage Speaker Networks: Collaborate with educational associations to access potential speakers and enhance event credibility. Associations often bring in their members, accounting for up to 40% of event attendees.
  5. Prioritize Engaging Presenters: Choose speakers with excellent presentation skills to captivate the audience. 91% of event attendees believe that engaging speakers positively influences their learning experience.

And now you know the kind of speaker you want, learn how to launch a call for speakers at your next event

Employ effective marketing and promotion strategies

Following our previous sections, it’s not enough to research your audience, craft an awesome schedule, and book top-shelf speakers for nobody to show up. If you spend all this time building something amazing, you need to tell the world about it! Now, how about these top marketing and promotion strategies for starters:

  1. Harness the Power of Social Media Campaigns

Social media platforms are invaluable tools for reaching a vast audience of educators and professionals. Craft engaging content and leverage targeted advertising to amplify your event’s visibility. According to recent data, 73% of event organizers consider social media to be the most effective marketing channel.

Example: Utilize eye-catching visuals and short videos on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to create excitement and anticipation for your education event.

  1. Embrace the Impact of Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a reliable method to connect with potential attendees and share event updates. Craft personalized and informative emails that highlight the event’s benefits. Studies show that email marketing has an average ROI of $42 for every dollar spent.

Example: Send regular newsletters with speaker announcements, workshop previews, and early bird registration discounts to maintain interest and drive registrations.

  1. Leverage Partnerships with Educational Organizations

Collaborate with educational associations, schools, and institutions to broaden your event’s reach. Partnering with respected organizations enhances your event’s credibility and can attract a dedicated audience. Research indicates that 61% of event organizers find partnerships valuable for generating event attendance.

Example: Co-host webinars or pre-event sessions with educational organizations to showcase the event’s highlights and encourage participation.

  1. Craft a Compelling Event Website

Your event website is a virtual gateway to your event. Ensure it is visually appealing, user-friendly, and informative. According to studies, 48% of event attendees visit an event website more than ten times before registering.

Example: Create a clear and concise event landing page that showcases the event’s benefits, schedule, and speakers, along with a straightforward registration process.

  1. List Your Event on Informative Platforms

Listing your event on specialized event platforms and educational directories enhances its discoverability. Attendees often explore such platforms to find events aligned with their interests. Data reveals that 75% of event attendees find events through online event directories.

Example: Register your education event on prominent platforms dedicated to educational conferences, workshops, and seminars. 

Simplify attendee sign-ups with a smooth registration process

Creating a seamless and user-friendly registration process is key to boosting event attendance. This section explains how to simplify attendee sign-up and payment using event management software like Sched. 

Sched boasts in-built event registration, specifically designed to make signups simple for techy people and non-techy people alike. Your guests can do this directly on the Sched app, on any device, or any desktop.

You can make the registration experience unique for your attendees too. You can enable and customize a registration form, create tickets, apply promo codes, and collect payments as part of the signup process.

And, on the note of making payments, the process is safe and smooth, thanks to our partnership with Stripe

Allocate resources wisely

Alright, let’s talk money! Proper budget allocation is crucial for the success of your education event. In this section, we’ll dish out insights on creating a well-balanced event budget.

From venue costs and speaker fees to marketing expenses and catering, we’ve got you covered. Plus, we’ll explore sponsorship opportunities and dish out tips for crafting an irresistible event sponsorship proposal.

Creating an Event Budget

Crafting a solid event budget is like setting the foundation for a strong house. Consider all expenses, from venue rentals and AV equipment to staffing and promotional materials. According to a study, 63% of event organizers allocate the most budget to venue and catering costs.

Example: Keep a spreadsheet handy to track every expense and update it regularly. It’s your money map!

  1. Venue Costs

Your event venue can make or break the experience, so choose wisely! Research various options and compare prices. Remember, the venue cost might include extras like Wi-Fi, furniture, or parking fees.

Example: Consider hosting your event at a school or university venue, as they often offer educational events discounts or even free access to their facilities.

2. Speaker Fees

Expert speakers add value, but they might come with a price tag. Consider how much you’re willing to invest in bringing in top-notch educators and thought leaders.

Example: Some speakers might be willing to speak at your event for exposure, especially if it’s their target audience. Don’t be afraid to negotiate.

3. Marketing Expenses

Promoting your event is non-negotiable. Allocate funds for social media ads, email marketing, event listings, and eye-catching visuals.

Example: Social media platforms offer targeted advertising options, helping you reach educators who are the perfect fit for your event.

4. Catering 

Hungry attendees are not happy attendees. Factor in catering costs and dietary preferences to keep everyone satisfied and energized.

Example: Consider local catering options or seek sponsorships from food vendors to offset costs.

5. Sponsorship Opportunities 

Speaking of sponsorships, don’t miss out on these golden opportunities! Look for organizations or businesses that align with your event’s theme and reach out to them for potential collaboration.

Example: A technology company might be thrilled to sponsor a tech event, gaining exposure to its target audience – educators!

6. Craft an Irresistible Sponsorship Proposal

When pitching to potential sponsors, make it impossible for them to say no. Highlight the benefits they’ll get, such as logo placement, speaking opportunities, or exclusive access to attendees.

Example: Personalize your proposal for each sponsor, showing them how their involvement can directly impact educators and their communities.

Leverage event management software

Event management software makes planning events easier, and it makes your events better. That’s the long and short of it, friends.

This section is all about the perks of using event management apps for organizing education events, from attendee management to seamless schedule creation and networking features.

Plus, we’ll dive into the real cost of these apps and what to consider when choosing the perfect fit for your needs.

  1. Attendee Management Made Easy

Say goodbye to messy spreadsheets and hello to streamlined attendee management! Event management software allows you to efficiently handle registrations, check-ins, and attendee data. With real-time updates, you’ll stay on top of everything effortlessly.

Example: Sched’s attendee management feature lets you easily track registrations, check-in attendees with QR codes, and access attendee information instantly.

  1. Seamlessly Create and Update Schedules

No more wrestling with last-minute schedule changes or printing new agendas. Event management software lets you create and update schedules on the fly. Attendees can access the latest changes instantly, saving them time and headaches.

Example: With Sched’s schedule creation tool, you can build an interactive and customizable agenda, and attendees can personalize their own schedules.

  1. Networking at Your Fingertips

Facilitate networking like a pro! Event management apps often offer networking features, allowing attendees to connect and engage with each other. Networking opportunities boost attendee satisfaction, with 85% of event participants valuing networking as a crucial aspect.

Example: Sched’s networking feature lets attendees find and connect with others who share similar interests or goals, fostering meaningful connections.

  1. The Real Cost of Event Management Apps

While event management apps come with varying price tags, consider the real cost-benefit ratio. Time saved on manual tasks and the enhanced attendee experience is invaluable.

On average, event managers save up to 200 hours per year by using event management software.

Example: Compare the investment in an event management app to the staff hours and resources it saves, and you’ll see the real value it brings to your event.

  1. Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Software

Before diving in, assess your needs. Look for features that align with your event’s requirements, such as ticketing options, mobile accessibility, and data security.

Read reviews, request demos, and pick the software that’s the best fit for your event’s size and goals.

Example: If your event focuses on data-sensitive topics, prioritize a software provider that offers top-notch security features and compliance.

Create an engaging atmosphere for learning

Content is king when it comes to education events. But let’s be real, we all appreciate a bit of pageantry. So, woo your guests with a little ambiance with our quick-fire atmosphere tips!

  • Choose the Perfect Venue: Venue selection impacts attendees’ experience. 73% of event attendees believe the venue affects their overall event perception.
  • Create an Aesthetically Pleasing Environment: Visual appeal sets the right mood. A visually pleasing environment enhances engagement and fosters a sense of belonging.
  • Elevate with Audio-Visual Magic: Quality audio-visuals elevate the event experience. 90% of attendees acknowledge the positive impact of good audio-visual effects.
  • Snacks and Catering: Fuel and Delight! Food matters! 87% of attendees expect quality food and beverage options, so offer healthy snacks and cater to dietary needs.

Facilitate networking and interactive sessions 

Let’s level up the attendee experience with networking and interactive sessions! This section introduces Sched’s attendee networking features that facilitate connections among participants.

We’ll explore how these features foster meaningful connections. Plus, we’ll highlight the perks of incorporating interactive elements like Q&A sessions and group activities.

  • Attendee Networking with Sched: Sched brings people together! Our attendee networking features allow participants to connect, interact, and collaborate. By enabling connections among attendees, 85% of event participants value networking as a crucial aspect of their event experience.
  • Fostering Meaningful Connections: Networking builds relationships! Attendees can discover like-minded individuals, share ideas, and create lasting connections that extend beyond the event. Meaningful connections enhance the overall event satisfaction of 78% of attendees.
  • Interactive Elements for Engaging Sessions: Interactive is the way to go! Incorporating Q&A sessions and group activities keeps participants engaged. Interactive sessions are favored by 91% of attendees for positively influencing their learning experience.

Ensure safety and security by managing risks

Safety should always be a top priority when organizing educational events. This section lays out essential guidelines to manage risks, prepare for emergencies, and implement necessary safety measures.

Considerations such as venue safety, emergency evacuation plans, and communication protocols are crucial for ensuring a secure environment.

  1. Venue Safety Assessment: Begin by thoroughly assessing the venue’s safety standards and facilities. Ensure that the venue meets all necessary safety regulations and provides clear emergency exits and signage. A safe venue is the foundation of a secure event.
  1. Emergency Evacuation Plans: Plan for the unexpected! Establish clear emergency evacuation plans in collaboration with the venue management. Conduct drills and rehearsals with event staff to ensure everyone is prepared to act swiftly and safely in case of emergencies.
  1. Communication Protocols: Effective communication is key during emergencies. Establish communication protocols to disseminate critical information quickly and efficiently to attendees, staff, and relevant authorities. Utilize multiple channels, such as text alerts, public address systems, and designated meeting points.

Evaluate & measure your education event’s success

Ensuring the success of your education event goes beyond the event day. Measuring its impact and gathering valuable feedback from attendees is essential for continuous improvement and creating even more meaningful experiences in the future.

In this section, we’ll explore the benefits of conducting post-event surveys and leveraging feedback. We’ll also delve into alternative survey tools that can complement your evaluation efforts for a comprehensive assessment.

Post-event surveys

Post-event surveys serve as a powerful tool to understand your attendees’ perspectives and gauge the impact of your education event.

By asking the right questions, you can uncover valuable insights that might otherwise go unnoticed. Some key benefits of post-event surveys include:

Example: In a conference focused on innovative teaching methods, a post-event survey could include questions about the effectiveness of workshops, attendee interest in future events, and suggestions for enhancing specific sessions.


  • Enhanced Attendee Satisfaction: Respondents feel valued when asked for feedback, leading to increased satisfaction levels and a stronger connection with your event.
  • Identify Areas for Improvement: Constructive criticism and honest feedback can help you identify weak points and make necessary changes for future events.
  • Validation of Event Objectives: Surveys can reveal whether your event successfully achieved its intended objectives and goals.

Streamlined feedback collection

Sched’s integrated feedback features offer a seamless way to collect valuable insights from your event attendees. By incorporating surveys within the app, attendees can conveniently provide feedback, increasing the likelihood of higher response rates.

Example: Through Sched, you can design custom surveys with questions about session relevance, speaker effectiveness, and overall event organization.


  • Increased Response Rate: The ease of accessing surveys within the Sched app encourages attendees to share their thoughts promptly.
  • Centralized Data Collection: Feedback responses are gathered in one platform, simplifying data analysis and making it easier to spot trends and patterns.

Expand your feedback reach

While Sched’s feedback features are valuable, combining them with alternative survey tools can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of your event. Platforms like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform offer additional customization and distribution options.

Example: You might use Google Forms to send a follow-up survey via email a few days after the event, asking for more detailed feedback about various aspects of the experience.


  •  Diverse Survey Options: Alternative tools allow you to design surveys tailored to specific aspects of your event, giving you a deeper understanding of attendee opinions.
  • Wider Reach: Utilizing various survey platforms enables you to collect feedback from different channels, ensuring more inclusive insights.

Nurturing relationships with post-event follow-up

Attention education event organizers! The magic doesn’t end on the event day. Following up with attendees is key to maintaining relationships and fostering continuous education. This section shares valuable tips on how to keep that spark alive: 

  1. Email Marketing: Stay connected with your attendees through email! Send post-event newsletters with a heartfelt thank-you message, highlights from the event, and upcoming educational opportunities. Did you know that email marketing boasts an average ROI of $42 for every dollar spent?

Example: Share a link to a post-event survey in your email to gather feedback and show attendees that you value their opinions.

  1. Share Event Resources: Keep the learning going by sharing event resources with your attendees. Provide access to presentation slides, workshop materials, and additional reading materials related to the event topics.

Example: Upload presentation slides to your event website or email them to attendees, allowing them to revisit valuable content and dive deeper into the subject matter.

  1. Recorded Sessions: Make sure no one misses out! Share recorded sessions with attendees who couldn’t make it to every workshop. Offering on-demand access to sessions expands the learning opportunities and boosts attendee satisfaction.

 Example: Upload recorded sessions to your event platform or YouTube channel and share the links with attendees.

  1.   Incorporate Feedback: Listen to your attendees! Take their feedback into account when planning future events. You can identify areas for improvement and design even more engaging and relevant experiences.

Example: If attendees request more hands-on workshops, prioritize interactive sessions in your next event’s schedule.

Future Trends: Innovations in Organizing Education Events

The world of education events is evolving, and it’s time to explore the exciting trends and innovations shaping the future. In this section, we’ll delve into three game-changers:

  1. Virtual and Hybrid Event Formats: Get ready for the best of both worlds! Virtual and hybrid event formats are gaining momentum, providing flexibility and expanded reach. Virtual events allow attendees from across the globe to participate, while hybrid events blend in-person and virtual experiences.

Example: An education conference could offer a virtual option for educators who can’t travel but still want to engage with valuable content and connect with peers.

  1. The Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is here to supercharge your event! From chatbots guiding attendees through schedules to smart matchmaking that connects participants based on interests, AI elevates event personalization and efficiency.

Example: AI-driven recommendations can suggest personalized workshops and sessions tailored to individual educators’ needs and preferences.

  1. Personalized Learning Experiences: Tailor-made for success! Personalized learning experiences empower attendees to curate their event journey, selecting sessions that align with their professional goals and interests.

Example: An education event platform could offer attendees the option to create a personalized schedule based on their areas of focus and experience levels. 


Organizing education events can be a complex endeavor, but with careful planning and attention to detail, you can create impactful and engaging experiences for educators.

By following the comprehensive guide outlined in this article, you will be equipped with the knowledge and strategies necessary to successfully organize education events that meet your objectives and provide value to attendees. Start implementing these techniques today and take your education events to the next level. 

Simplify your education event planning and management – start your free trial!