Event management software has become an essential tool for event organizers. However, there are a multitude of options available; choosing the right event planner app can be a daunting task.

To make an informed decision, it is crucial to ask the right questions during the evaluation process. By obtaining comprehensive answers to these questions, you can assess whether the event planner app aligns with your specific event management needs and goals.

In this article, we will explore 10 important questions that you should ask when buying event planner apps. We will delve into each question, and provide insights and considerations to guide you. So let’s get started!

What are the key features of the event planner app?

The first question you should ask when evaluating an event planner app is about its key features and functionality. Understanding the capabilities of the app is crucial to determine if it can meet your event management needs effectively.

Consider the following aspects when assessing the features and functionality of the event planner app:

Event registration and ticketing

  • Does the event planner app offer a robust event registration and ticketing system?
  • Can you customize registration forms to collect relevant attendee information?
  • Does it support different ticket types, such as general admission, VIP, or early-bird tickets?
  • Is there an option to integrate a secure payment gateway for ticket sales?

Event website builder

  • Does the event planner app enable you to create professional event websites?
  • Can you customize the design, layout, and branding elements?
  • Are there pre-designed templates available to expedite the website creation process?
  • Does the website builder offer SEO optimization features to improve online visibility?

Attendee engagement tools

  • Does the event planner app offer interactive features to engage event attendees?
  • Can attendees network and communicate with each other through the app?
  • Are there options for live polling, Q&A sessions, and surveys to enhance audience participation?
  • Does the event planner app support gamification elements to increase attendee engagement?

Event analytics and reporting

  • Does the event planner app provide comprehensive analytics and reporting features?
  • Can you track key event metrics, such as registration numbers, ticket sales, and attendee demographics?
  • Are there real-time dashboards and customizable reports to monitor event performance?
  • Does the event planner app integrate with popular analytics tools, such as Google Analytics or event marketing platforms?

Is the app compatible with different devices?

Compatibility is a crucial factor to consider when choosing an event planner app. You need to ensure that the app works seamlessly across various operating systems and devices to cater to the diverse needs of your attendees.

Ask the following questions to assess compatibility:

  • Is the event planner app available for both iOS and Android devices?
  • Does it offer a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes?
  • Can attendees access the event planner app from desktops, tablets, and mobile devices?
  • Are there offline capabilities to ensure smooth operation in areas with limited internet connectivity?

Compatibility across multiple platforms ensures that your attendees can access event information, engage with the app’s features, and have a consistent experience regardless of their preferred device.

How user-friendly is the event planner app? 

User-friendliness is a crucial aspect of any event planner app. It should be intuitive and easy to navigate, even for users with limited technical expertise. A user-friendly app saves time and reduces the learning curve for both event organizers and attendees.

Consider the following aspects of user-friendliness:

  • Is the event planner app’s interface clean, organized, and visually appealing?
  • Are the main features and functionalities easily accessible?
  • Can users navigate the event planner app without extensive training or technical knowledge?
  • Does the app offer drag-and-drop functionality or templates to simplify customization?

At Sched, we’re all about being user-friendly. Our philosophy is techy stuff for non-techy people. But don’t take it from us. Here are some testimonies from our users, let them tell you how easy it is to navigate our products:

  • “The first words that come to mind when I think about Sched are user-friendly. From designing the website to participant registration to day-of features, we were able to easily use the platform.” Dr. Tisa Holley – Case Manager, PGCPS McKinney Vento Program
  • “Easy to use as an event organizer and easy to use as an attendee. The tools Sched offers are practical and necessary for successful event organization. It definitely gives events that edge you want to have.” Evelina Preciado – Chief Academic Officer, Integra Schools
  • “Since using Sched, it’s been so much easier to manage our events and communications. It is user-friendly for attendees and the back end is super easy to use and updates immediately.” Stephanie Alvarado – Digital and Creative Marketing Manager, Longbow Advantage

A user-friendly event planner app ensures a seamless experience for event organizers and attendees, facilitating efficient event management and engagement.

Does the app provide seamless integration with other tools and systems?

Event management often involves using multiple tools and systems to streamline various processes. Therefore, it is essential to choose an event planner app that integrates seamlessly with your existing event tools and systems.

Ask the following questions to assess integration capabilities:

  • Does the event planner app integrate with popular CRM systems, such as Salesforce or HubSpot?
  • Can it sync attendee data with email marketing platforms for targeted communication?
  • Does it support integration with ticketing platforms or payment gateways to streamline financial processes?
  • Are there options to integrate with event analytics tools or survey platforms for comprehensive data analysis?

We get that the modern-day event planners had a bag of tools they like to use. That’s why our products are Sched are designed to seamlessly integrate with your favorite event planning toys like Eventbrite.

Seamless integration between the event planner app and other tools minimizes manual data entry, reduces errors, and enhances overall efficiency.

What level of customer support and training is provided with the app?

Customer support and training are crucial considerations when selecting an event planner app. A responsive and knowledgeable support team can provide timely assistance and resolve any issues that may arise during event planning and execution.

Consider the following aspects of customer support and training:

  • What support channels are available (e.g. phone, email, live chat)?
  • Is there 24/7 customer support or specific support hours?
  • Does the event planner app offer comprehensive documentation, FAQs, or video tutorials for self-help?
  • Are there training resources or onboarding sessions provided to ensure smooth implementation?

We have stellar customer support as a standard for all of our products. However, we also offer Sched’s premium support. This is a top-of-the-line treatment where we have dedicated agents on call to answer any of your and your guests’ needs. 

A strong support system ensures that you have the necessary assistance and guidance throughout your event management journey.

What security measures are in place to protect attendee data and privacy?

Data security and event privacy are critical considerations in today’s digital landscape. When choosing an event planner app, it is essential to ensure that attendee data is protected through robust security measures.

Ask the following questions to assess data security:

  • Does the event planner app comply with data protection regulations, such as GDPR or CCPA?
  • Is attendee data encrypted and stored securely?
  • Are there measures in place to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches?
  • Does the event planner app provide options for attendees to manage their data privacy preferences?

A secure app instills trust among attendees, ensuring that their personal information is handled with utmost care and confidentiality.

For example, have a glance at Sched’s privacy controls to see how secure and simple a safe event can be with us! 

P.S. Stay on top of this with our handy guide to keeping events private and secure

Can the app handle multiple events and scale with growing needs?

Scalability is an important factor to consider, especially if you plan to organize multiple events or have growing event management needs. You need an event planner app that can accommodate your current requirements and scale as your events program expands.

Ask the following questions to assess scalability:

  • Can the event planner app handle multiple events simultaneously without performance issues?
  • Does it offer centralized event management features to streamline operations across different events?
  • Are there options to customize the app based on the specific needs of each event?
  • Can the app accommodate a growing number of attendees, registrations, and data?

One cool function of Sched products is our multiple or recurring events. This saves you time building new event platforms for every workshop you have, and it also saves your attendees from signing in again and again, and learning the functionality and space of your event again… and again. 

Choose a scalable event planner app that ensures you can manage multiple events efficiently and accommodate future growth without the need for frequent software changes.

What reporting and analytics capabilities does the app offer?

Data-driven decision-making is crucial in event management. Therefore, it is essential to choose an app that provides comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities to gain insights into event performance and attendee behavior.

Consider the following aspects of reporting and analytics:

  • Does the event planner app offer real-time analytics dashboards to monitor event metrics?
  • Can you generate customizable reports based on specific event KPIs?
  • Does it provide attendee engagement metrics, such as session attendance or survey responses?
  • Are there options for post-event surveys or feedback collection to measure attendee satisfaction?

With Sched, event reporting comes with every pricing tier. You can access them by category or by group, and you can export them with a click of a button to impress your patterns or sponsors. If you’re looking for specific insights, custom reporting is also available.

Bonus Advice: Learn amazing post-event survey questions and how Sched can help you master them in this ultimate guide. 

How does the pricing structure work? 

Understanding the pricing structure is essential to ensure that the app aligns with your budget and financial considerations. It is important to evaluate both the upfront costs and any potential hidden costs associated with using the event planner app.

Unfortunately, the hidden costs of event planner apps are often difficult to discover. Unmask them and avoid them to stay within budget! 

Consider the following aspects of the pricing structure:

  • Is the pricing based on a one-time payment, subscription model, or per-event basis?
  • Are there different pricing tiers or plans available based on your event management needs?
  • Does the pricing include all the key features and functionalities, or are there additional costs for add-ons?
  • Are there any hidden costs, such as transaction fees or charges for additional support or training?

You can explore Sched’s pricing plans at a glance, right here. There’s a package for every budget and every need.

Can the app be easily upgraded and adapted to future needs and trends?

Future adaptability is an important consideration when choosing an event planner app. You need an app that can evolve with changing event management trends and technologies to ensure long-term viability.

Ask the following questions to assess future adaptability:

  • Does the app provide regular product updates and new feature releases?
  • Can it be easily upgraded to incorporate emerging event management trends?
  • Does the app offer flexibility for customization and integration with new tools or systems?
  • Is there a roadmap or vision for future app development and enhancements?

Choosing an event planner app with future adaptability ensures that you can stay ahead of the curve and leverage new technologies and trends to enhance your event management capabilities.

Evaluating the answers

Once you have obtained answers to these ten key questions, it is crucial to evaluate and compare the responses to make an informed decision. Consider the following factors:

  • Alignment with your event management goals and requirements
  • Usability and user-friendliness for event organizers, speakers, sponsors, and attendees
  • Integration capabilities with your existing event tools and systems
  • Data security and privacy measures
  • Scalability and ability to handle multiple events
  • Reporting and analytics capabilities
  • Pricing structure and long-term affordability
  • Future adaptability and roadmap for app development

By evaluating these factors and comparing the answers provided by different app providers, you can select the event planner app that best aligns with your specific needs and goals.

Examples of successful event planner app selection

To further illustrate the benefits of asking the right questions when buying event planner apps, let’s explore a couple of case studies showcasing successful app selection.

Civic Spirit

Learn how Civi Spirit used Sched to create community. We loved collaborating with this NY non-profit. They especially loved Scheds seamless 3rd party integration, and how easy it was to achieve customizable attendee experiences!  

Jesuit High School

Learn how Jesuit High School utilized Sched to keep their pupils not only engaged but safe and secure. 

Future trends in event planner app technology

The events landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends shaping the industry. As you consider buying event planner apps, it is crucial to stay informed about future trends and innovations.

Here are a few emerging trends to watch out for:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for personalized event experiences and predictive analytics
  • Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) integration for immersive event experiences
  • Hybrid event management capabilities to cater to both virtual and in-person attendees
  • Blockchain technology for enhanced security and transparency in event transactions
  • Voice-activated features for hands-free event management and attendee engagement
  • Social media integration for seamless sharing and amplification of event content

By staying up-to-date with these trends, you can choose an event planner app that embraces innovation and keeps you ahead of the curve.

Conclusion: Making an informed choice for your event management needs

Selecting the right event planner app is crucial for successful event planning, execution, and measurement. By asking the right questions during the evaluation process, you can gather the necessary information to make an informed choice.

But now that all that is said and done, sometimes it’s better to learn by doing. So start Sched for free now