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Collecting Feedback with Surveys

3 min read

Collecting valuable feedback from your attendees helps you make better decisions. Attendees can tell you about the best speakers, most exciting topics, and logistical setbacks. Use their insights to maximize your next event.

You can use Sched or a platform like Google Forms, Wufoo or Typeform to collect feedback.

Session Feedback #

Your attendees are able to rate and comment on each session. Surveys open five minutes before the session starts and close five days after your event ends.

Here is an example of the feedback form in the session details:

Attendees will receive an email reminder to review their experience at 5pm each day of your event. Here is a sample of the email:
Review Your

Disable Feedback for All Sessions #

By default, the feedback form is active for all sessions. If you don’t want to collect session ratings and comments, you can disable it.

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Toggle off “Collect session feedback” under the “Content” section.
  3. Click “Save.”

Collect Session Feedback

Enable and Disable Feedback for Select Sessions #

When the feedback form is active for all sessions, you can disable it for particular sessions. You can also disable the form for all sessions (outlined above) and activate it for select sessions.

  1. Go to Schedule => Sessions.
  2. Select the session you’d like to manage the feedback form for.
  3. Toggle “Collect Feedback.”
  4. Click “Publish.”

Session Feedback 1

Customize Leading Text #

Let your attendees know what type of feedback you’re looking for. Customize the text above your feedback form with instructions and guiding questions.

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click “Edit prompt” next to the “Collect session feedback” toggle.
  3. Edit the text in the “CUSTOMIZE FEEDBACK PROMPT” field.
  4. Click “Save.”

Edit Prompt

Disable Daily Feedback Reminder Email #

Your attendees will receive an email reminder to rate and comment on their sessions at 5 pm each day of your event. You can disable the email if you don’t want to send the reminder.

  1. Go to Messages.
  2. Click “Feedback Reminder” under “Edit Automated Messages.”
  3. Toggle “Enable feedback reminder emails” off.
  4. Click “Save.”

View and Export All Feedback #

All responses will be visible in your control panel. You can filter by session title and attendee and hide responses without comments.

The excel export will have a row for each response. There’s a column for session ID, title and start time. As well as columns for attendee name, email, date submitted and comment.


  1. Go to Attendees.
  2. Click the export icon.
  3. Under “Attendees,” click the “Feedback” XLS.

Feedback Export

View Session Feedback #

The number of responses will display in your control panel. Hover over the feedback icon to view the average rating.

Number Of Responses

You can view the feedback responses by session.

  1. Go to Schedule => Sessions.
  2. Select the session you’d like to view.
  3. Go to the Feedback tab.

Feedback For Session

Export Session Feedback #

Export the feedback as an XLS to share with speakers and staff.

  1. Go to Schedule => Sessions.
  2. Select the session you’d like to export the data for.
  3. Go to the Feedback tab.
  4. Click the exports icon.

Export Feedback

Adding a Custom Feedback Survey #

Create a custom survey using Google Forms to gather feedback and ratings from your attendees. Google Forms are free and easy to set up with any Google account.

Integrate Google Forms with Sched and automatically pre-fill the session title in each survey. This will save you from having to build different surveys for each session.

Please note that when using a custom feedback survey, you cannot export the response data in Sched. The survey data will be exported through Google.

Feedback Survey Button


  1. Create a new Google Form.
  2. Name your first question “Session Title.”
  3. Set the answer type to “Short answer.”
  4. Add “DO NOT CHANGE” in the description.


Survey Short Answer


Google Form Description 1


5. Continue adding other questions you’d like to include on the survey.

6. Click “Send” and copy and paste the URL in a separate text doc. Do not shorten the URL.


Send Form


To generate your integration URL, email us your link and we can create it for you (so you can add it to the chosen sessions of your event). If you’d like to do it yourself, follow the steps below.

Add the integration URL into your Feedback Survey field while adding or editing sessions. To do this quickly for all sessions, use the schedule spreadsheet and paste it into Column Z for each session.

Column W

Generating Your Own Integration URL #

  1. Open the form.
  2. In the top right, click the More icon and choose “Get pre-filled link.”


Survey Prefilled Link


In the Session Title answer field type %TITLE% and click “Submit.”

Survey Title


Copy and paste the link that’s created into a text doc.

Pre Filled Link Survey

  • Remove the numbers 25 after the equal sign at the end of the link. This link is your integration URL which will be pasted into your Feedback Survey field from Step 8 above.


Delete 25

Generate Certificates #

You can issue continuing education certificates by collecting information from attendees with Google Forms as explained above. Then you can generate the certificates with a third party option.

Here are a few third party options you can use:

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