Print Attendance Lists

Print your session attendance lists to check them off at the door or keep a record of who was there. You can also export attendee names and email addresses to use for email marketing.

You can also print each attendee’s custom schedule if there’s no wifi or your audience doesn’t want to rely on technology.

Printing Attendee Schedules

Export Single Session #

  1. Go to Schedule => Sessions.
  2. Click the attendance icon of the session you’d like to export.
  3. Click the export icon next to the add button.
  4. Choose a format.

You can export the session attendance in three different formats:
Export Attendance

Attendance With and Without Emails (XLS)
Exporting the attendance as an XLS file will include a column of names, email addresses and signup dates. The “Attendance w/out Emails (XLS)” export will exclude the email address column. This is great as a record of a session’s attendees.

Emails (CSV)
Export the emails as a CSV file, a comma separated list of email addresses that’s handy for copy/pasting into your email client.

All Exports
Click “All Exports” from the drop down to find more options for exporting your event data and details. You can export all sessions, speakers, and attendees in print-ready or spreadsheet formats.

Export All Sessions #

      1. Go to Schedule.
      2. Click the export icon next to the add button.
      3. Click “Attendance Lists” to view the attendance lists for all sessions.
      4. Click “Print” to print the attendance lists for all sessions. Each session will print on a new page. Click “Download PDF” to export a PDF of all session attendance lists. The PDF will download as a ZIP file and the attendance lists will be organized is alphabetical order by venue and date.

You can also filter which sessions you’d like to print and select a venue and/or day. Select the order you would like your attendees listed with the sort by dropdown menu. Click “View Waitlists” to print all session waitlists as well.
Attendance Lists 1

Related search: attendance

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