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Check-in App

3 min read

Note: This feature is available on our Boost and Ultra Plans. Contact us if you would like to upgrade your plan.

The check-in app helps you track who attends each session and whether they reserved a seat ahead of time. Download the app for iPhones and iPads to scan Eventbrite tickets. Bookmark the check-in tool on Androids and computers to check in attendees by name.

You can use the data after your event to see who showed up and understand your attrition rates. Make better decisions on your session sizes and number of speakers for future events.

Check-in Video

In this guide, we’ll show you how to…

Adding Check-in Managers #

Admins have access to run check-in for every session. Add people as Check-in Managers to give them access to run check-in for your event.

For in-person events, we recommend one Check-in Manager for every 50 attendees to avoid long lines. For example, if a session has 100 people signed up, you should have two people at the door running check-in.

Add Check-in Managers to all sessions:

  1. Go to Schedule => Check-in.
  2. Click the add button.
  3. Enter the name and email.
  4. Click “Add + Send Invite.”

Add Check-in Managers to specific sessions:

  1. In your Control Panel go to Schedule.
  2. Click the add button.
  3. Click download spreadsheet.
  4. In Column AA labeled “Check-in”, add the email address of desired check-in manager.
  5. Upload your updated spreadsheet in the Control Panel.

Check-in Managers will receive an email confirmation with instructions to sign in and a link to the Check-in app.
Email Checkin

Training Your Check-in Managers #

We recommend setting up a training session so everyone can get familiar with the process, before the event starts.

Tips for training check-in managers:

  • Set a password: Make sure the Check-in Managers have set their password ahead of time on a desktop or laptop.
  • Download the app for iPhones and iPads and bookmark the tool on Android phones: Encourage Managers to do this before the event.
  • Confirm login: Test login credentials and check that they can log in on their mobile device.
  • Test scan QR codes: Confirm you’re using the correct QR and scan a few attendees. You can un-do the scans after testing.
  • Sync devices: Connect to wifi or a cellular network to sync check-ins with your Sched site.

Checking In Attendees: iOS #

Check-in managers will log into the app and select the session they’re managing. They can use the toggle to check in attendees by name, scan their ticket or add walk-ups:
Email Sched Count

Checking In Attendees: Android and Web #

Check-in managers will open the tool in their browser and log in. Search for registered attendees by name and click the circle to check them in. Click “Add New Attendee” to add walkups that are not yet registered for the event:
Android 1 And 2

View and Export Checked in Attendees #

Verify checked in attendees and view what time they were checked-in. Export your checked-in lists to keep an archive of checked in attendees.

  1. Go to Schedule => Sessions.
  2. Click the check-in button for the session you’d like to view.

Checked In 1

  1. Click the exports button to download the list of attendees with a column for the check-in status and time.

Export Checkin

Related search: attendence

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