Batch or Bulk Enroll Attendees

Streamline Enrollment Management with Ease

The batch group scheduling functionality simplifies the process of assigning attendees to sessions within your event. This feature works seamlessly with your existing session and people tags.


  • Batch enroll is only available on our new Boost, Launch, and Ultra plans.
  • Ensure you have created the necessary session tags (e.g., “keynote,” “workshop,” “networking”) and people tags (e.g., “VIP,” “early-bird,” “industry-specific”).
  • Verify that relevant tags have been assigned to both attendees and sessions.

Need help setting tags up? Read more here:
Adding Session Tags
People Tags

Steps on enrolling by batch:

1. Enrolling Groups of People in Sessions

  • Select desired sessions.
  • Click “Enroll by People Tag.”
  • Choose the appropriate people tag.
  • Click “Update” to confirm enrollment.

2. Enrolling People in Multiple Sessions

  • Select the desired attendees.
  • Click “Enroll by Session Tag.”
  • Choose the relevant session tag.
  • Click “Update” to confirm enrollment.

Additional Notes: You can enroll multiple people tags into a single session for large events or keynotes.

Let Us Know If You Need Assistance!

Please contact support if you have any questions or require further guidance.

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