Event Registration – External Process

This is a guide for using your own external process / platform to collect registrations / sign ups for your Sched event. This gives you the option to use your preferred process / platform for event registration in conjunction with Sched. You can simply add your attendees to Sched using one of the import options outlined below.

Registration & Event Privacy Settings #

First set the privacy of your event, to prevent people signing up for your event on Sched.

  1. Go to Settings > General in your event Control Panel
  2. Select Edit in the Privacy section
  3. Select your preferred event privacy option:
    • Public event with invite-only login: if you DO want people to be able to view your event before they are registered and logged in as an attendee.
    • Private event with invite-only login: if you DO NOT want people to be able view your event before they are registered and logged in as an attendee.
  4. Click Save

Import Your Attendees #

Option 1: Add many attendees into Sched via a spreadsheet:

  1. Go to the Attendees section in your event Control Panel
  2. Click on the ➕icon
  3. Download spreadsheet
  4. Add your Event registrant information into the spreadsheet
  5. Click Select File and select spreadsheet
  6. Click Upload
  7. Select your preferred upload option:

Option 2: Add individual attendees into Sched:

  1. Go to the Attendees section in your event Control Panel
  2. Click on the ➕icon
  3. Enter the Name and Email of the attendee
  4. Select +Photo and +Extended Fields if you wish to add this additional attendee profile info
  5. Select your preferred upload option:

Option 3: Set up an API import of attendees into Sched:

  1. Access the Sched API Documentation
  2. Go to the Attendees section in your event Control Panel
  3. Click on the Cloud Icon to access the API section
  4. Here you will find API Key and Endpoints for your event
  5. If you are using the API to manage ticketing you can also view our Registration and Ticketing API guide.

Things To Keep In Mind #

  • We only recommend using the API Import option if you are comfortable working with APIs.
  • You can access the API once you have purchased a paid plan or, if you wanted to test it out prior to purchasing, please email hello@sched.com to request access.

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