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< 1 min read

Speaker Directory #

By default, speakers are in alphabetical order by last name. You can highlight your big-name speakers at the top of your directory and control the order they show up.
Featured Speaker

  1. Go to Speakers​.
  2. Hover over the speaker you’d like to feature and click the drop-down.
  3. Click “Feature.”
  4. Drag to re-arrange the order of your featured speakers.

Sort Speakers

Within Sessions #

If there are many speakers for one session, they are in alphabetical order by last name by default. You can manage the speaker order within a session to show significance or which order they’ll be presenting.

    1. Go to Schedule​.
    2. Click “Edit” for the session you’d like to manage.
    3. Drag to re-arrange the order of your speakers.
    4. Click Publish​.

Order Speakers

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